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Local Government

Circular Economy Network

The LGA CE Network is for local government officers responsible for leading and/or contributing to the delivery of circular economy initiatives and strategies within their municipality. This network includes officers from economic development/local economies, waste and environmental sustainability teams, as well as other Council officers as appropriate. 

The network meets every 6-8 weeks, with meetings hosted online by different Councils. Reach out below to learn more about this impact oriented network.

Network's primary functions:

  • Support and inspire Council officers to develop and deliver best practice circular economy strategies and initiatives.

  • Organise presentations from Councils with circular strategies and initiatives in place .

  • Provide networking opportunities for officers developing and delivering circular economy strategies and initiatives.

  • Share programs and initiatives which support businesses to take advantage of circular economy opportunities and transition to more circular business models.

  • Support Council officers to inform relevant internal stakeholders including councillors, executive, management, about the role Councils play in developing a circular economy .

  • Share information and resources on circular economy and local government.

  • Identify opportunities for network/group members to utilise existing platforms such as LG Pro and Local Government Performance Reporting Framework to raise the profile and legitimise the importance of leading Councils playing a leadership role to develop the circular economy.

  • Provide a collective Council voice on the circular economy that can feed into and provide advice on circular economy strategies and plans developed by other organisations or levels of government.

  • Seek cross-Council opportunities to accelerate and collaborate on circular economy opportunities.

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